Member profiles

This page provides links to profiles of many past and present members. Many more will follow.

The names below represents over 350 already written. We wish to achieve profiles of all current and past members so please submit others to Subject to editorial review, they will be published with the author’s name and date.


Danielle Ackland 

Roy Adam

Arthur W Adams QC

T W Adamson

Phillip Ainsworth

Martin Aitken

Robert Aitken MBE

Meredith Allen

Harry Amad

George E Anderson

George I Anderson

Annie Anesakis

Arthur Atkins DFC

Alfred Aubrey

H S Aylwin


William M Bailey

Nicholas J Baker

Geoff Barden

Eliot Ralph Barnfather

John E L Barber

Graham Barns

Paige G Barr

A George (Paddy) Barrett

Amanda Bateman

Katrina Bateman

Malcolm Batten OAM

William (Bill) Batten

Philippe Batters

Jack W Beattie

Rod L Benjamin

Keith Bilney

Patrick Black

Arthur Blackwood

Patrick Boomer

John B Bostock

James (Jim) Bourke

William S Boyd

David Boykett OAM

Graeme Boykett

Ken H Boykett

Edward T Bradshaw

Georgina (Jean) Bradshaw

J William Bradshaw

Kevin A Braithwaite

Harold D Brash

F T Brennan

Raymond T Brewin

R Ramsey Brewin

Douglas C L Brooke

Maddison Brown

M C Brown

Frank R Browne

John Burford

Harold B Burke

Carl (Charles) Burmeister

Leonard Y Butler


Norman Cairnes

D A 'Beef' Calder

Michael T Caldwell

Benjamin Canham

John P “Thumbscrew” Carr

Gilbert Castieau

Phil Cayzer OAM

Fleur Chew

David J McC Chrichton

Alex Clarke

C Alec R Clarke

Jennifer Cleary

James (Jim) B Clemens

David Colvin

F William Commons

Robert Connolly

B G Connor

Dick Connors

Andrew Cooper OAM

Richard A Cooper

Richard A Cooper Snr.

Mal H Corben

Anthony M Cordell

Andrew Crawford

David Crawshay

J William Cumberland

Charles S Cunningham


Tom Daffy

Tom A Darcey

Herbert (Herb) W T Davis

C Brian Dawes

R E Dawson

Peter De Garis

Christopher De Guingand

Joseph C Dillon

Alex Dobbie

Arch L Dobbie

Ben Dodwell

Liam Donald

Noel Donaldson ASM

Donoghue, J Doug

David Douglas

Georgina Douglas

Maurice C H Dowd

Brian Doyle

David Doyle

Mark Doyle OAM

Roger Drummond

Robert Duncan

Addy Dunkley-Smith

Josh Dunkley-Smith

Joe T Dunstan

Ian Duthie


Syd A Edwards

C Grover Emery

Rachel Engel

Andrew Evans


Sir George Fairbairn

Joe Fazio

George Ferguson

James M Ferguson

Isobel Finch

David Fleming

Frank Fogarty

John Foley

Pauline Frasca

David Fraumano

Hon. Hubert Frederico ASM

H Timothy Frederico


Simon Gadsden

V C 'Puff' Galvin

Wayne Gammon

Ron Gardner

Richard Garrard

Allen Gibbs

Frank S Gibbs

Peter M Gibbs

Thomas R Gilchrist

Peter Gillon

Stephen Gillon

Drew Ginn OAM

Georgie Gleeson

Conor Grace

Warwick Granowski

Robert (Bob) Gregg

Jayden Grey

Barry B Gross

Andrew Guerin

Henry G Guinn DSO ED

Stanley Guinn


Fergus Hamilton

Jud Harding

Paul Harding

John Harry OAM

Archibald T Harvey

James Harvey

Geoff T Hastie

Dennis Hatcher

John Hawkins

Brett Hayman

MAJ Alan Henry

Meghan Hester

Neil Hewitt OAM

C William (Bill) Hidgcock

John Hill

Lance Hill

Tim J Hogan

Albert Hoof

George Horder

Kate Hornsey

James Howden

Ken M Hume

Geoff Hyett


Alistair Isherwood

Percy C Ivens


Sebastian Jenner

Ian Jickell

Anthony Johnson

Norman L Johnson

Jack McD Jones

Phil L Jones

Walter Joseph

Joe Joyce

Rebecca Joyce


Harold Kendall

Edward Kenny

Norman Kerrigan

Alex Kinsella


Robert P Lachal

Cliff A Lambert

Jack Lawrence

Jeff Lawrence

Susan Lee

Will Legge

Colin D Lewis

Hannah Lewis

Albert Lindblade

Lindgren, Harry

Arthur R Lingham

John Linke

Geoffrey R Locke

George Logan

Matthew Long

Ac T Loveless

Ricky Loveless


Jim M MacFarlane

S C “Bill” Macrae

Henry C Maling

Graeme McCall

Lyall McCarthy OAM

J Wilson McDonald MC

Cecil N McKay

Michael McKay OAM

Michael F McKenna

James K McKeown

Duncan MacKinnon

Geoff McMahon

Hon Patrick J McNamara

M S MacNaughton

Andrew McNeil

Russell McLean

Adrian Maginn

Warwick Mahoney

Capt James F Major

Angus Maloney

Garth Manton

Derek C Marley

Tom Marsh

Emily Martin

V F Mason

Alexander P 'Streak' Miller

Alexander (Sandy) Mitchell

Adrian Monger

Arthur Moore

Sir Stephen Morell

Deane J R Morgan

John F Morganti

J R Morrison

Jessica Morrison

William T Morrison

Abraham R "Ralph" Moses

John L Mounsey

Norman S Muir


Norman Nation

C Robert (Bob) Nethercote

Sir Thomas S R Nettlefold

Simon Newcomb OAM

Nicholas Newton

Dave Nicholls

John Nickson

Derek Norwood


Julie Orr

Martin Owen

John O'Hara

James H O'Reilly


David Palfreyman

Susie Palfreyman

Sam Patten

Celia Patterson

Claude D Pender

Roberto Perillo

Andrew Phillips

Peter Philp

J Harvie Picken

David Pincus

Ion Popa

Kenneth B Pope

Ian Porter

William Potter

Cathy Powers



Cliff Restarick

Brian Richardson

Graham Richardson

Ron Richardson

Rosemary Richardson

Geoffrey O Robertson

Jack Robertson

Robert J Robertson

John N Robertson

Malcolm Robertson

Sir Arthur Robinson

Tom Rodda

James Rook

William B 'Stonk' Ross

John S Rowe

Robert (Bob) T Rush OBE


P S Sabey

Aaron Sassoon

Peter Scanes

Lennart Schiesswohl

Robert B Scholefield

John Seammen

Robyn Selby Smith

A Ron Shannon

Herbert P Shears

John D "Jimpy" Shears

Stephen Sherrifs

Gemma Sibillin

Olivia Sibillin

Alex B Sloan

Allan Sloss

George W Smith

Armando “Ted” Sorani

Jack South

Jack Southern

Geoff E Speed

Len Spencer

James G H Sprigg

Robert W A Strang

Horace E Stevens

Rod Stewart

Stan Stewart

David S Stirling

George F Stooke

H Stooke

N Stooke

Charlotte Sutherland

Sophie Sutherland

Tom Swann


Sarah Tait

William Tait

Jeff Thompson

Paul Thompson MBE

W K Thompson

Roy W C Thursfield

Martin Tomanovits

Carl Tomczak

James Tomkins OAM

Walter (Wally) R Turnbull


Bill Unwin


Claude Vanderkelen

Hayley Verbunt

Alexandra Viney

Alex Vuillermin


Anthony M Walker

Harold Walker

William Wallace

James Watson

Katrina Werry

John Wertheimer AM RFD

Edward “Spiv” White

John B Whitty

H J Wickham

Kevin Wickham

Angus Widdicombe

John G Williams

Dr Lloyd Williams

Michael S Williams

Roger B Wilson OAM

Ernst Wirtz

Withers, Alison

Withers, Andrew

Worboys, Kate

Richard Wraith

Jeff Wylie


George Xouris


E Yandell

Norman Young

David Yunghanns


Roy Zhang
