
Day 2 NSW Champs

Published Sun 11 Feb 2024

Some superb results on Day 2 with plenty of great results.

Nick Bartlett led the day with a bronze in the PR3 single.

It was sensational to see the women's pair race in which Jess Morrison was in the winning crew, Kat Werry in the silver medal boat and Paige Barr stroking the third placed crew. There was less than 0.1 second seperating first and second.

In the women's four race, Jess Morrison and Kat Werry joined in the winning crew with Paige Barr stroking the silver placed four.

Fergus Hamilton teamed up with Alex Hill to finish second in the men's pair narrowly behind the combination of Hardgreaves and O'Brien.

The men's four, Angus Widdicombe stroked the silver medal winning crew and Fergus Hamilton raced in the bronze medal winning crew.

Anna Morrison narrowly missed out of the podium in the under 23 pair finishing fourth.

Austin Reinehr won gold in the corresponding under 23 men's pair.

In a small field in the men's lightweight pair, Jordan Roberts won with Oscar Tyrell and Alex Tomanovits finishing in third place.

In the men's lightweight double, Jordan Roberts raced in the winning crew and our other lightweights finishing fourth and fifth in the heavily contested under 23 lightweight double.

In the men's coxed four, Jake Polkinghorne, Harry Amad, Harry Cathcart, Oscar Scalzo, and Cox: Isabel Finch won silver.
