
Day 3 NSW Championships

Published Sun 11 Feb 2024

Nick Bartlett again set the day off to a good start taking out the PR3 pair with a win with Goffsassen of UQBC. Sadly there was no competition for our PR3 pair of Alex Vuillermin and Alex Viney but the record will show a win.

Oscar Tyrell, Alex Tomanovits, Jordan Roberts and Jessica Rawolle were in the winning lightweight eight.

Whilst no medal in the men's eight, it was a great opportunity for our younger athletes to race with the likes of Gus Widdicombe and Ferg Hamilton. They finished fourth and we can only wonder what might have been had Jack Robertson had not been injured.

Ditto for the girls. A superb opportunity for the young girls to race behind the likes of Jess Morrison, Paige Barr and Kat Werry. The senior girls fondly remember the opportunities they had when young.

The men's lightweights again showed their skill in a tight tussle with UTS for gold in the lightweight quad scull. A good race showing promise from our crew of Seth Swinney, Oscar Tyrrell, Alex Tomanovits and Jordan Roberts.

Then in the dying moments of the regatta, Dom Frederico won in a determined and tough race in the under 23 double scull with his Adelaide University partner Blackman. It was a superb race showing good racing abilities. The margin to second was 6 seconds with a tight race for the minor placings in their wake.

Also of note yet again, was Cate McNeil. This time finishing 3rd in the Schoolgirl double for Hailebury. Great work from these year 10 rowers.

Regatta Point Score

The major Sydney clubs led the table with Mercs being the best of the interstate clubs finishing in fourth place. Well done.
